HerFabLife.com is the latest social bookmarking community for young urban hip and trendy women who are interested in the latest fashion styles, the newest restaurant, bar, spa, salon, retail store openings. It's a site where many young people meet and exchange their latest finds of restaurants, concerts, events, fashion styles, shops, etc etc. Name it and they have it. It's concept comes with a social networking style so it's easy to communicate with members and exchange ideas, places, get to know new beauty shops or spas etc, includes tags feature for easy sorting. In my point of view it's an excellent place to hangout for women who are trendy and stylish but yet my consumption can be wrong, so you also can take a look inside it and evaluate by yourself. The HerFabLife.com is the perfect place for women from different backgrounds from all over the world to share their experiences about the latest lifestyle trends. They don't have to be a guru; they can just come to the HerFabLife.com to check out cool new trends and products. People who use the HerFabLife.com are: Readers, Shoppers, Bloggers, Retailers/Business Owners. They are in search of the freshest and most interesting new products, brands and designers from around the world. Fashion and lifestyle is created between people, and so you can network, contribute content to the site, voice your opinions and vote on content you like or dislike. They also provide you with Your Personal Lifestyle Guide and also with Your fav lifestyle guide. This is the site that allows women to give their opinions and vote the content that their like and dislike in the website, they are allows member to contribute content as well. You can post your latest finds and thus be a guide to others, or you can sit down and see what others have come up with.
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